Hurry & Scurry

This morning was wake up in panic mode. Had a good long girl talk till 1am with my dear friend, well worth it! But then overslept and it's go time in the morning. Which automatically puts this heaviness in my chest. Rushing, hurrying and scurrying.

Big boys are all out of the house at a somewhat decent time, not too late. I set to make a plan. I realize a plan will help me to set goals, priorities, and hopefully lift this heaviness! And this isn't pretty plan-making in a cute notebook. It's hiding in my closet because baby is happy (unless he sees me) and make a plan on my phone. 

Then I get him to nap and take a way overdue shower. And again heaviness sets in of thinking there's no way I can get it all done and please all the people. 

I scurry to fix myself a bowl of cereal something fast to keep going. Then feel this nudge of, "hey-- wanna have breakfast together!?" So I remind myself what I always say #slowisgoodforthesoul. I make myself a nice breakfast to sit down with my coffee and the Truth-teller and this is what I read. 

"Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind."  (Proverbs 21:5 MSG)

Hello God! Thank you for your voice in my life in the big and small. I love walking with You! 

The chapter ends with this beauty— 

"Do your best, prepare for the worst— then trust GOD to bring victory." (Proverbs 21:31 MSG)

Good day friends! You've got this! 

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